Friday 20 April 2012

cool thing that happened at work today

before you read this please note i haven't had any 'action' in like five fucking months, also take note of the fact thats its 1am so there will be no real punctuation or caps in this entire post.

okay so i'd been working for like 7 hours straight and was fucking tired and not really thinking properly, and this hot guy comes into my work, and we are talking fucking hot, not like kinda cute but like "oh my god i want to sit on his face" hot, and he comes up to the counter and asks if he can make a booking for a movie tomorrow. through the saliva that is pouring out my mouth over how hot this guy is i say "sure, how many seats, and your last name?" and he says "just me, and my last name is topping" and in the tired state i was in (by the way i thought i said the following in my head" i replied with "that'd suit me just fine", the guy stared at me, and i realized i'd said it out loud, frantically i tried to think up some sort of bullshit and ended up saying "oh, its a reference to web therapy, its just this tv programme", and he leaves in a confused state. i turn around to see my co-worker laughing hysterically and i blush like a mother fucker.

cool. fucking. story

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