Thursday 19 April 2012

So I guess its been a while since I last wrote on this thing

Which I say every fucking post I make because I'm really lazy and just can't be fucked blogging,
however, its 2am and I can't sleep and I figured staring at a screen for a while would either give me some sort of visual impairment or make me want to sleep, but probably both.

Anyway, I feel as though I should let all one of my readers (hi mum!) know the changes that have happened over the last.. however long its been since I last blogged.

So, for starters, I'm single, which is great because I worked out I really fucking hate most guys, since the last proper boyf I had (Campbell Gordon) who can get fucked cheated on me twice and I found photo's of the first time (fuck you mother fucker) I've kinda doubted whether I actually enjoy being in a relationship, and it turns out I don't. Anyway, sidetracked as always it seems. I'm single, by choice, and my own choice, thank you very much sassy reader.

Secondly, I'm moving to Dunedin, which is in the south island and is fucking freezing, but beautiful, and I'm looking forward to that for many reasons, but sad at the same time because Auckland has been my home for 15 years, but its good to change, right? And I might as well move now, because whats the fucking point in waiting around for 'a sign', chances are there is no such thing as a sign to move but you realizing that its what you want to fucking do and rationalizing it by saying it was 'a sign'.

Thirdly, I got my septum repierced, which is great, and I'm starting to stretch it again, at the moment its only at 14G but I don't really wanna rush with this sort of shit.

Oh, turns out I did get tired.
Guess I'll finish this tomorrow?
Night cyber world

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